Bowling for Columbine (2002)

Director: Michael Moore
Starring: Michael Moore

It's been a rough summer. 
There have been a number of rampage shootings that have claimed the lives of many innocent people. This has caused an outcry for stronger gun control laws around the United States. But is gun control the answer? Is the availability of guns the problem?
Michael Moore's documentary may be ten years old, but the same problems still exist and his questions are still good ones.

Lessons to be Learned:

Fear makes people do stupid things.
Complicated problems require complicated answers.
Media has power.

Life Skills to be Mastered:

Question everything. Question what you see, read, and what people tell you.
Critical thinking before emotion.

Critical Thinking:

Ask the right questions.  
Questions assumptions.
Put emotions in the right context.

Mindful Behavior:

Think before acting.
Then act compassionately.

Personally, I think gun control is an answer, but not the only one. Yes, we should make it harder for certain people to get guns, but if a rampage shooter is simply a crazy person "losing it" or a good person "snapping" won't they just find another way to kill? Didn't people kill each other before guns?

Wouldn't it be better to find out why this behavior happens and how it can be stopped, without making assumptions?
From a mental health perspective, how should this problem be solved? What part do you think both fear and anger play? Hopelessness?
How responsible is the media, if at all? What part can the media play to make things better?
What is the role of propaganda? 

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