V for Vendetta (2006)
In a world where Great Britian lost the war a masked man seeks revenge… and chaos.
Director: James McTeigue
Starring: Natalie Portman, Hugo Weaving
Lesson Learned
There are so many in this film...
People give their rights away because of fear. Why? Security in an insecure world.
Messages and stories from other victims help you endure.
Life Skills
Facing your fears and not avoiding them.
Helping others face theirs.
Critical Thinking
Who is the villain of this story and why? Who is the hero? Why is the hero right and the villain wrong?
Mindful Behavior
Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions. Realizing when you are making decisions that are motivated by fear.
Detach when possible.
You can watch this movie a dozen times and see something you didn't see before. Themes of politics, death, rebirth, fear, tolerance, symbols, anarchy... all tell stories of the human condition. Which is why it is one of my favorite films.