What You Can Learn About Politics & Torture from Aliens
**Spoiler alert: If you have not seen the episode The GingerBread Man, from ABC's show "The Neighbors" you may not want to read this.
In Episode 11 (The Gingerbread man) of the funny and clever ABC network show "The Neighbors," in order to help Debbie Weaver take control of the school PTA Larry Bird, neighbor, alien, father, and supreme alien leader, uses his knowledge of politics and psychological war tactics to drive the PTA president mad.
Since many parents have to deal with school politics and because you never know when your bosses will use alien techniology for psychological attacks against you at educational institutions I have prepared a life lesson guide.
Let's hope the former PTA president doesn't go postal, but I think Larry Bird's attacks were meant to make her retreat or go away. Until of course she realizes what has happened and who is responsible. I'm betting then she becomes an alien conspiracy theorist.
In Episode 11 (The Gingerbread man) of the funny and clever ABC network show "The Neighbors," in order to help Debbie Weaver take control of the school PTA Larry Bird, neighbor, alien, father, and supreme alien leader, uses his knowledge of politics and psychological war tactics to drive the PTA president mad.
Since many parents have to deal with school politics and because you never know when your bosses will use alien techniology for psychological attacks against you at educational institutions I have prepared a life lesson guide.
Lesson to Be Learned: Don't be a Jerk.
A little kindness and compassion goes a long way.Both Larry Bird and the PTA president were jerks and both paid the price for it. The PTA president suffers psychological trauma and Larry Bird will never be asked again to help out with anything ever again.Life Skill to Be Developed: Mental Strength
Larry Bird's attacks on the PTA president caused her to have a heightened "fight or flight" response. Identify triggers and face them so they don't have power over you. So, if you happen to have an unrealistic fear of gingerbread men you should deal with that.Critical Thinking: You can't believe everything you see or hear.
Use critical thinking to find the answers. Have an open mind, but use logic and reason. Aliens may not exist, but jerks who like to play mind games do.Use Mindfulness (or "How to be a confident, strong black woman... like a alien")
Stay calm. Stay focused. Counterproductive emotions make critical thinking almost impossible. "Watch" your thoughts. If you start to sound crazy to yourself you know you have a problem.Let's hope the former PTA president doesn't go postal, but I think Larry Bird's attacks were meant to make her retreat or go away. Until of course she realizes what has happened and who is responsible. I'm betting then she becomes an alien conspiracy theorist.
The Neighbors airs on Wednesday nights, 8 p.m. central time/9 p.m. ET on ABC