Life Long Learning & Skill Building
Life is a struggle, so it is disturbing that most people believe that learning stops at formal education. As the world changes, as we change to survive, to thrive, we search for knowledge and insight. Even more importantly, not everything we need to know is actually taught in schools. Tools, skills, tactics, and strategies to improve the quality of our lives are a life-long pursuit. We start with the basics; the foundation of getting what we need, mastering skills, and using it to better our lives. Further detail investigation and study will be provided in future publications.
The Life Learning Cycle : A Method of a Life-time of Learning & Continuing Education
"As we walk down the long rocky road of life," we are going to run into a situation, event, or issue that utterly confuses us. We won't know what to do or where to start to gain clarity and understanding. Start here…
Identify the "Lesson to be Learned"
What should you take away from the experience? What did it or should it teach you? Is there a problem to solve? What is confusing you? Write it down to clarify.
Identify the Life Skill or Experience to be Mastered or Developed
What, if any skill should you master, practice, or develop in order to solve the problem or move forward? If you don't know find out by asking questions. If you are having problems with money maybe you need to take a class in personal finance or to hire a financial advisor.
Gather Knowledge and Information
What information, knowledge, or mentoring will you need? It may or may not be a part of skill identification. What resources will you need? If you are confused it may be because you don't have all the facts, there is subtext, or a point of view change that is needed.
Apply Critical Thinking Skills
Take the time to ask questions, look for the assumptions, demand clarity and details. Is something missing? Think it through.
Application of Mindfulness Practice
Apply a component of mindfulness as needed. Do you need to stay in the present moment? Do you need to pay attention or be more aware of what's going on around you? Sometimes what looks like a problem is really just a distraction. A little focus may be what's needed. Does the stress of the situation keep you from seeing everything clearly?
Identify the Obstacles or Concerns
What keeps you from applying what you have learned? What keeps you from developing the skills you need? Is it emotion or social expectations? Unwanted influence? Money? Your emotional state?
Create a Plan of Action if Needed/Practice
Create a plan and follow it. Practice it over and over.
*Need not be in any particular order.