The Power Over Your Attention

Ignore That Man Behind the Curtain -

Magicians do it all the time. Really good filmmakers are masters of it. The ability to direct our attention and awareness, in any direction they want. Politicians do it too; as well as, lawyers, and salespeople. In the south, racists have been doing it forever.
Distracting from the facts to focus on lies, deception, or illusion...
Rush Limbaugh is currently doing it with the republican party's "War on Women" (The Slut shaming of Sandra Fluke), voter registration laws being proposed in the South are really acts of voter suppression, and "redistricting" has become code for bringing back segregation. A few (not all) companies may do charity work to distract from child labor violations or dismantling unions. It is important to recognize when someone or something is trying to distract you from the truth; to take control of your attention. It's through our awareness of the tactics and tools used that we are able to combat them.

Red Herrings
All films create illusions; a place, time, and people that don't actually exist. Look for films where the Villain tries to distract the hero so he or she won't find out the truth; a mystery a filmmaker doesn't want you to solve.

Texas Tech, Greg Sholars, Track & Field
Texas Tech, Greg Sholars

Life Lesson: 
Rarely are things what they seem. Focus getting to the truth.

Life Skills:
Ask questions.
Seek out the facts.
Never assume the obvious.
Demand clarity.

Critical Thinking:
Play "The Why Game".
Be the Devil's Advocate.
What are the intentions, motivation, and consequences?

Pay Attention. Don't get distracted.
Take control of your consciousness so no one else will.

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