The Greater Good Versus The Common Good

Many people believe, falsely, that the greater good means to choose what is best for the majority of people at the expense of a minority. This is not the true meaning of "The Greater Good". In cases, like this one, the real meaning of words sometimes become lost over time. 
Socrates believed the truth was the greater good; that there is no greater pursue or endeavor than finding, looking for truth... but what about the common good? 

The people who believe in the false definition of the greater good have never been at the receiving end of that fallacy. Often in films and books "the bad guy" uses this justification to do self serving acts against others.
Every life matters. Dehumanization happens here. Taking responsibility for each other are abandoned here; at the false belief that one person's life can even be assigned a value.
Humanity is lost when "The Greater Good" becomes the only option and the common good ignored.

Together we are strong; as individuals we are crazy. Love = Sanity

What Should Be Done:
Embrace a broad perspective of the common good and the true meaning of the greater good. Show compassion for every living being.

Important Question:
How do you, in your everyday lives, broaden your perspective to include the well-being of everyone?

Mindful  Action:
Pay attention... to how you make decisions when it effects a wide range of people. Try to do what's best for everyone.

There are often many solutions to a problem if we look close enough and ask questions. Simply, accepting the easiest and most common one limits our options.  The greater good, common good, or social good is often a complex decision.

Change how you think about the greater good. Seek truth, love, empathy, and compassion for the common good.

#TheGreaterGood, #TheCommonGood,

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